Wednesday 13 April 2011

Footprints 37 Walking in Memphis

Few shoes can be more iconic than the blue suede variety for sheer unadulterated cool. They rock a look but can be subtle about it. Elvis rotated his pelvis in them safe in the knowledge they wouldn't let him down. Tactile and velevety, suede longs to be stroked and gives a depth of colour that sings with top notes If in doubt over what to team with almost any outfit, a pair of stonking blue suede shoes will always make a fashion statement that says cultured, stylish, witty and damn sexy all at once. Just don't let anybody step on 'em...

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Footprints 36 Gagarama

These sneakers certainly won't be making an appearance under Kate's top secret wedding dress but who knows what customised shoes may lurk in the honeymoom holdall ? Here comes the bride...

Monday 11 April 2011

Footprints 35 Pussytoes

Purr all  you like Shoe Animals - these little footsies are going out on the tiles.We want to play on velvet paws and ring our feline bell as we walk with our tails held high and swishing.Follow if you dare but don't come too close now - our perfectly pointed claws might just scratch! Meow !

Saturday 9 April 2011

Footprints 34 Carnivorous Shoes

Gaga's Grammy carnivore entrance on tottering meat heels still entrances and entertains. Ah, that glitzy meat market of showbiz, always waiting to devour its own tail in an orgy of self predation. It seems all our succulent stars are potential fashion kill and future prey for the lip smacking papparazzi to gorge on. Poor darling celebs. If only they possessed some sensible shoes they could out run the baying camera pack. As if they wanted to !

Footprints 33 Space Beings

The shape a be-shoed foot can suggest can be a most suggestive matter. The curvilinear design of Alexander McQueen's exotic foot creatures is a case in point. Resembling strange patterened cuttlefish or newly discovered fauna from a little known corner of this wierd and wonderful planet, their rounded arch, blunt snout and spindle heel impy that you have meerly hitched a ride on a shell like crustacean or two. The extreme crescent shape recalls the excrutiating deformities of the bound foot and is here entangled with high fashion futurism that puts one in mind of the corrective footwear of the interwar years, yet combines with a reptilian ballet on blunt points to make us want to take up their challenge. Grand shoes to make a towering, platformed  statement in,and as sparky and irreverent as we likey. They invert notions of streamlined perfection and pretty practicality in favour of dynamite shoeboots with attitude to spare.Walk on the wild side at your peril Little Shoepeep. Gaga is watching ...

Thursday 7 April 2011

Footprints 32 Fish Flops

Now these are something to squelch home about.Taking summer footwear into a new dimension of scaly territory and fin to fin floppery.Not for the delicate of nose. But a surreal lil moment akin to Magritte n''est pas? And we like our entertainment arty and drole don't we dear Shoe Folk.. Slippery silvery and fairytalesque.The kind of shoes an Angela Carter character might wear on some marine /gothic adventure of pirates mermaids and lost galleons. A flagon of perfume standing by. Listen, "I have heard the mermaids singing...."

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Foot prints 31 In Awhile Crocodile

Now these little greenies are sure to make you weep crocodile tears. Don't you just love the witty footprint? We  shoe lovers are not too fond of the croc but this is one reptile we do like. Brings to mind that serpent of Old Nile with a sassy new comedy style. What could be snappier ?